在高性能计算、人工智能等重要学术期刊和会议上发表学术论文188篇,其中SCI/EI 68篇、已发表论文被引用超过1000余次(单篇最高他引382次)。出版专著1项,获国家发明专利20余项、美国发明专利1项,获美国能源部杰出导师奖、美国国家实验室杰出贡献奖等5项奖励。研究成果被美国NBC新闻、美国时代自由杂志、英国新科学家杂志以及国内各类媒体报道。
Email: 1420176122@qq.com
Dr. Xiaohui Cui is the professor of School of Cyber Science & Engineering at Wuhan University in China, standing committee member of Chinese Minister of Education software engineering committee and the Chief Scientist of Chinese National Key R&D plan for food safety big data. He also served as the Dean of the International School of Software at the Wuhan University and the staff scientist of Oak Ridge National Laboratory of Department of Energy of US since 2004.He is invited as the adjunct professor at the Computer Engineering & Computer Science Department in University of Louisville since 2010. His current research works include social media text mining, parallel and distributed knowledge discovering, climate change modeling,terrorist threat-vulnerability analysis, and cyber threat detection. His research have been supported by Chinese National Science Foundation, Chinese Minister of Education, Chinese National Key R&D Plan, and Office of Navy Research, Department of Homeland Security, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Department of Energy of USA. He and his researches have been reported by NBC News, New Scientist magazine in US and many Chinese News media. In 2008 and 2009, he received the Department of Energy Outstanding Mentor Award and the Significant Event Award.