Educational Technology

Associate Professor CAI Huiying

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Date: 2024-01-17 19:25 clicks: []



CAI Huiying


Research direction:

learning science and technology design, educational application of artificial intelligence, STEM education, teacher professional development

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

CAI Huiying, associate professor and master tutor of School of Humanities, Jiangnan University, PhD jointly trained by East China Normal University and University of Toronto, was the assistant dean of Graduate School of the University (temporary), and is now the assistant dean of School of Humanities. She has been selected as the best young scholars of Jiangnan University and the first batch of Taihu Cultural Outstanding young talents in Wuxi. At present, she has presided over 15 projects at the national and provincial levels, including 1 project at the national level, 5 projects at the provincial and ministerial levels, and 5 horizontal projects. She has published more than 40 papers in high-level academic journals at home and abroad, including 6 papers in SSCI journals such as BJET and ETR&D. She has published 38 CSSCI papers in authoritative journals such as "Education Research" and "Journal of East China Normal University (Education Science Edition)", and many papers have been reprinted in full by Xinhua Abstracts and Renmin University Photocopying Materials. In terms of teaching, she undertakes and teaches 2 undergraduate courses and 1 graduate course. She presided over 4 school-level educational reform projects and participated in 4 provincial-level educational reform projects. Due to his outstanding teaching performance, she won the second prize of the school's young teachers' teaching competition, the first prize of school-level teaching achievements, and the honor of "Excellent Individual in Informatization Teaching" of Jiangsu Higher Education Informatization Research Association. Guided students to win 6 second prizes and 3 third prizes in national and provincial discipline competitions. Due to the outstanding performance of the students, he won the title of "Excellent class Teacher" and "Excellent Instructor" in the national discipline competition. In terms of social services, she served as the editorial board member of the first district SSCI Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 6 SSCI journals and 3 CSSCI journals external review expert; She is also a member of the International Learning Science Association, a member of the Mainland Secretariat of the Asia Pacific Chinese Computer Education Application Society, a member of the popularization committee of the Chinese Association of Automation, and the vice chairman of the international agenda of the Asia Pacific Chinese Computer Education Application Conference C8.

Learning Experience:

2010.09-2012.06 Master of Education Information Technology Department of East China Normal University

2012.09-2016.06 Doctor, Department of Educational Information Technology, East China Normal University

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)

1. The Education youth project of the National Social Science Foundation in 2022, "Research on the Influence of Human-Machine Collaborative Teaching Research on the Development of Teachers' Teaching Ability and Governance Strategies" (CCA220318), 2022.8-2024.12

2. The major project of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Universities in 2022, "Research on Governance Strategies for Teaching and Research of Primary and Secondary School Teachers Empowered by Artificial Intelligence" (2022SJZD037), 2022.5-2026.6

3. The Youth special project of the Ministry of Education in the 13th Five-Year Plan of National Education Science in 2020, "Strategy Research on Improving Teachers' Online Teaching Ability through 'teacher-researcher' Collaborative Design" (ECA200396), 2020.9-2022.1

4. The "13th Five-Year Plan" project of Jiangsu Province Education Science in 2020, "Strategy Research on Collaborative Design of Graphical Support to Transform Teachers' Knowledge and Ability Structure under Network Environment" (D/2020/01/01), 2020.1-2023.10 [Conclusion]

5. The 2017 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Youth Fund project of the Ministry of Education, "An Empirical Study on Improving collaborative problem-solving Ability by Designing graphical Scaffolding in STEM Courses" (17YJC880001), 2017.8-2020.3;

Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

1. Cai, H., & Gu*, X. (2019). Supporting collaborative learning using a diagram-based visible thinking tool based on cognitive load theory. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(5), 2329-2345.

2. Cai, H., & Gu*, X. (2022). Factors that influence the different levels of individuals’ understanding after collaborative problem solving: The effects of shared representational guidance and prior knowledge. Interactive Learning Environments. 30(4), 695-706. (Q1, SSCI)

3. CAI Huiying, Dong Haixia, Chen Xu, Gu Xiaoqing. (2022). How to build the School of the Future? -- Foresight and reflection based on intelligent education governance scenarios. Journal of Education of East China Normal University.9:45-54.

4. CAI Huiying, Lu Linmeng, Dong Haixia. (2021). Evidence-based Learning design: Making teachers' teaching stand on the basis of understanding educational laws. Modern Distance Education Research, 33 (4): 11-19.

5. CAI Huiying & Gu Xiaoqing. (2020). Connected Learning Design and Learning Analysis: A breakthrough in teachers' technological innovation teaching. Open Education Research. 26(1): 4-13.

Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
