Educational Technology

Associate Professor QUAN Guolong

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Date: 2024-01-17 19:35 clicks: []


QUAN Guolong


Research direction:

learning science and technology, visual design and application, knowledge representation and modeling, intelligent education

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

Guolong Quan Ph.D. in Educational Technology from East China Normal University, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Technology of Jiangnan University, and Master Supervisor.

In 2016, he was selected as a visiting doctoral student by the China Scholarship Council to visit the University of North Texas, and graduated from East China Normal University in 2017 with a Ph.D. degree. He has been engaged in educational technology research for 15 years, focusing on the theory and practice of the integration and innovation of technology and education, focusing on topics such as learning science and technology, visual design and application, knowledge representation and modeling, and intelligent education, as well as cutting-edge topics such as in-depth learning, core literacy, and design literacy. In the past ten years, he has participated in or presided over 11 national, provincial and ministerial projects, published 23 papers, written 4 reports, and participated in the writing of 2 books.

Learning Experience:

2002 to 2006, he learned in Educational Technology at Northwest Normal University and obtained a bachelor's degree in education.

2008 to 2011, he studied in Educational Technology at Northwest Normal University, a doctoral supervisor, and obtained a master's degree in e-learning.

2013 to 2017, he studied in Educational Information Technology at East China Normal University, a doctoral supervisor, and obtained a Ph.D. degree in research learning science and technology, knowledge visualization representation and learning analysis technology.

2016 to 2017, he studied at the University of North Texas with Professor J. Michael Spector, former President of AECT.

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)

1.In 2021, Research on the Innovation and Practice Path of School-Enterprise Collaborative Education System in the Intelligent Era, Office of Jiangsu Provincial Education Science Planning Leading Group

2.In 2020, Research on Visualizing Knowledge Representation Design for Deep Learning, Department of Social Sciences, Ministry of Education

Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

1.Intelligent Literacy of Rural Teachers: "Bridging" Framework, Evolution Stage and Guarantee Conditions[J]. Modern Distance Education Research,2023,35(02):67-72,84. CSSCI.

2.Knowledge-oriented visualization technology analysis and observation[J]. Journal of Distance Education,2016,34(01):90-98.) CSSCI.

3.Deepening Knowledge Representation and Modeling: Design, Development and Application of Semantic Diagrams[M].Shanghai: East China Normal University Press,2020.

4.Observation on the "informatization" of education for smart education[J]. China e-Education,2018(08):35-44.) CSSCI.

5.Analysis and observation of knowledge-oriented visualization technology[J]. Journal of Distance Education,2016,34(01):90-98.)


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