Educational Technology

Associate Professor YAN Dahu

Singing and smiling

Date: 2024-01-17 19:40 clicks: []


YAN Dahu


Research direction:

Programming education, educational robots, etc.

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

Committed to research and teaching in the field of educational technology. He has a solid professional foundation and rich teaching experience, especially in the application of educational technology, the design and development of digital teaching resources, and other areas. In teaching, he focuses on cultivating students' practical operating abilities and innovative spirit. He adopts various teaching methods such as case teaching and project-driven teaching to guide students to actively participate and think actively, and cultivate their abilities to solve practical problems. At the same time, he also pays special attention to the individualized development of students, providing targeted guidance and support according to the needs of different students. In terms of scientific research, he has hosted and participated in a number of national and provincial-level research projects and published many academic papers. He has deeply explored the potential and value of educational technology and is committed to promoting the digital and intelligent development of education and teaching. His research achievements have had a wide-ranging impact in the field of education, making positive contributions to the promotion of educational informatization. He has also actively participated in social service work. He has been invited many times to provide training and guidance for enterprises and institutions to help them improve the application level of educational technology.

Learning Experience:

Bachelor: Computer Application, Harbin Instituteof Technology
Master: Computer Application, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)


Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

[1] Yan Da-hu, Su Xiu-ling, Li Yu-ting. Learner's computational thinking cultivation based on problem-solving model: Taking the teaching of programming course "Database Technology and Application" as an example. Modern Educational Technology, 2021, 31 (02): 109-117.



Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
