Educational Technology

Lecturer JIN Xinquan

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Date: 2024-01-17 19:45 clicks: []


JIN Xinquan


Research direction:

Academic Early Warning and Intervention, Learning Analysis and Evaluation

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

Ph.D. from Northeast Normal University, Lecturer at Jiangnan University, Main research interests are academic early warning and intervention, learning analysis and evaluation.

Learning Experience:

PhD at Northeast Normal University from September 2019 to December 2022

Undergraduate and Master's Degree at Jiangsu Normal University from September 2013 to June 2019

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)

2023, Key Technologies for Diagnosis and Assistance of Students with Learning Difficulties in Higher Education Based on Multi-source Data, 6230721the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 300,000

Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

1. Jin X Q, Jiang Q, Xiong W Y, et al. Effects of student engagement in peer feedback on writing performance in higher education[J]. Interactive Learning Environments, 2022: 1-16.

2. Jin X Q, Jiang Q, Xiong W, et al. Using the Online Self-Directed Learning Environment to Promote Creativity Performance for University Students[J]. Educational Technology & Society, 2022, 25(2): 130-147.

3Jin X Q, Jiang Q, Feng Y N, et al. Research on Intervention Mechanism and lts Effect on Deep Learning Process from Perspective of Intelligent Peer Assessment[J]. e-Education Research,2023,44(03):107-114.

4. Jin X Q, Jiang Q, Liang R M, et al. A Study on Influencing Mechanism of Cognitive Bias on Knowledge Construction for Deep Learning[J]. e-Education Research, 2021,42(07):75-82.

5. Jin X Q, Jiang Q, Ma Z Q, et al. Research on the lntelligent Diagnosis Model of University Students with Learning Difficulties in the Era of Digital Intelligence[J]. Modern Educational Technology,2023,33(11):47-56.

Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
