Educational Technology

Lecturer SHU Hang

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Date: 2024-01-17 19:46 clicks: []


SHU Hang


Research direction:

Learning Analysis, Digitalization of Education, and Conceptual Change

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

Lecturer, PhD at East China Normal University. I was selected as a joint doctoral student by the China Scholarship Council in 2019 and went to visit the University of Florida in the United States. For many years, I have been engaged in research on educational technology theory, policy, and practice, mainly focusing on learning analytical technology, educational informatization, concept transformation, and learning science. Hosted the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Science Youth Project, Jiangsu Province's Education Science 14th Five Year Plan Project, Jiangsu Province's Higher Education Philosophy and Social Science Project, and participated in multiple national social science and self science projects, as well as writing multiple monographs. Published over 10 papers in SSCI and CSSCI journals, and participated in multiple provincial-level and school level educational reform projects. Awarded the title of Outstanding Class Teacher of Jiangnan University in 2022.

Learning Experience:

2009-2013, Jiangsu Normal University, undergraduate

2013-2016, Jiangsu Normal UniversityMaster

2016-2020East China Normal University, PhD

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)

1. In 2021, "Research on Dynamic Modeling and Diagnosis of Conceptual Transformation Supported by Multimodal Data" (Project Number: 21YJC880063); The Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Youth Fund Project, 80 thousand.

2. In 2021, "Research on the Mechanism and Improvement Strategies of Classroom Advanced Thinking Ability Supported by Learning Analysis Technology" (Project No. C-b/2021/01/16)key project of the 14th Five Year Plan for Education Science in Jiangsu Province in 2021.

Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

1. Shu Hang, Gu Xiaoqing. Digital Transformation of Education in the Digital Age: From the Perspective of Social and Organizational Change [J]. Journal of Distance Education, 2023,41 (02): 25-35. (CSSCI)

2. Shu Hang, Gu Xiaoqing. The Realistic Foundation and Action Framework of Digital Education Transformation [J]. Modern Education Technology, 2022, 32 (11): 24-33. (CSSCI)

3. Shu, H., &Gu, X. (2018) Determining the differences between online and face to face students - group interactions in a blended learning course The Internet and Higher Education, 39 (OCT.), 13-21. (SSCI)

4. Shu Hang, Gu Xiaoqing, Jiao Yu. Returning to simplicity: Seeking the original ecology and breakthrough of educational informatization [J]. Research on Electronic Education, 2018,39 (12): 21-28. (CSSCI)

5. Shu Hang, Wang Fan, Yuan Lu. Interpretation and resolution of rule reversal phenomenon in blended learning [J]. China Distance Education, 2016 (05): 23-28+79-80 (CSSCI)

Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
