Chinese Language and Literature

Associate Professor HUANG Xiaodan

Singing and smiling

Date: 2024-01-17 21:00 clicks: []




Research direction:

Ancient Chinese poetics, female literature of Ming and Qing dynasties

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

My academic interests focus on two areas: first, the interpretation of ancient Chinese classic poetry, especially texts from the Wei, Jin, Tang, Song, and Qing dynasties; second, the interaction between Chinese society and literature in the Ming and Qing dynasties. MY research perspectives include hermeneuticsgender Criticism, knowledge production, etc. I offer the following courses: History of Ancient Chinese Literature, commentary and annotation of Chinese classic poetry, Women's Writing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, etc. The students I supervised have won Jiangsu Province’s Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis2015once and Jiangsu Province’s Outstanding Master’s Thesis20222023


Learning Experience:

2000-2004, the Chinese Department of Suzhou University, BachelorChinese Language and Literature

2004-2007, Chinese Department of Suzhou University, Masterancient Chinese literature

2007-2011, School of Literature, Nankai University, Ph.D.ancient Chinese literature

2009-2011, the department of East Asia Studies, McGill University in Canada (joint PhD. Student)

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)

2021— The relationship between public life and women’s writing in the areas south of the Yangtze River during the Qing Dynasty, The humanities and social sciences Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China,

2015-2021 The Establishment of Women Writing Methods in the Qing DynastyNational Social Science Foundation of China

Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

Tao Yuanming is also troubled, Beijing United Press, 2021

The Collection of ancient Chinese Women's complete sets, Yanshan Publishing House, 2021

The Influence of the Social Condition and Literati's Mentality in Early Qing Dynasty on the Ideo- logical Construction of “History of Ci”, Journal of Soochow University, 2020

Fourteen Poets, Beijing United Publishing House, 2019

The Collection of Tanci, Yanshan Publishing House, 2019

Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
