Chinese Language and Literature

Professor ZHANG Chunmei

Singing and smiling

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ZHANG Chunmei


Research direction:

Cultural Studies and Cultural Criticism, Western literary theory, Internet literature studies

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

Zhang Chunmei, professor of Jiangnan University, Doctor of Literature, postdoctoral fellow, doctoral supervisor, member of China Writers Association, member of China Critics Association, researcher of China Ethnic Minority Film Research Center. He mainly teaches courses such as "Introduction to Cultural Studies", "History of Foreign Literature" and "Western Literary Trends".

She is mainly engaged in contemporary cultural research and cultural criticism, and research on the communication relationship of contemporary Chinese multi-ethnic literature. She has won the Tianshan Literature and Art Award, the second and third prizes of the Provincial Social Science Award, and the Youth Excellent Work Award. He has published monographs such as "Network Literature as Collective Memory", "Literary Narrative in the Context of Chinese Postmodern", "Paper and Web: Fluid Literature", "Literary Writing in the Mirror of Geography", and "Theory and Practice of New Liberal Arts Graduation Thesis Writing". Presided over 1 national Social Science fund, 1 national Social Science fund major project subproject, presided over more than 10 provincial and ministerial level projects.

Learning Experience:

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)

1. In 2022, Cultural Inheritance of Chinese Network Literature, National Social Science Fund Project, 250,000 yuan

2. In 2019, Research on Cross-border Ethnic Kazakh Literature Exchange Relations under the Belt and Road Initiative, Ministry of Education, 100,000 yuan

3. 2023, Chinese Su-School Network Literary Culture Map and Aesthetic Modernity, Jiangsu Provincial Writers Association, 30,000 yuan

4. In 2017, Kazakh culture Overview of cross-border ethnic groups on the "Belt and Road", key project of Chinese Writers Association, 20,000 yuan

5. 2019, Research on the Conflict and feeding Back between Network Literature and traditional Literature in the New Century, Project directly under the Central University, 150,000 yuan

Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

1. Network Literature as Group Memory, Heilongjiang People's Publishing House, 2023.8

2. Reality, Future and Popular Aesthetics in Network Literature, Chinese Literature and Art Review, 2022.3

3. Dialogue Map: When the Classic Faust and Chinese Network Literature conspire to cross, Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2022.6

4. Theoretical Problems of Realism in Internet Literature, Contemporary Experience and Aesthetics of Popular Surprise, Nanjing Social Sciences, 2022.8

5. Tragic Metaphor in Spatial Transformation, Journal of Xinjiang University, 2021.4

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