Primary Education

Associate Professor WANG Xin

Singing and smiling

Date: 2024-01-17 22:48 clicks: []




Research direction:

Higher Education, Educational Psychology, Professionalism Dilemma

Personal introduction: (text description about 500 words)

As Assistant Professor of Education Department at Jiangnan University, I work hard with the team to provide strong undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that serve as foundations for excellent education. We collaborate with other educational institutions closely to create practicum opportunities for our students, and I am part of the team responsible for the partnership maintenance and events organization. As colleges and universities evolve, it is essential to have professionals that have enthusiasm for the future as well as respect for the core traditions upon which the institution has built its reputation. It is our responsibility as educators not only to educate our students on innovative trends in different subjects, but also to give them a lens through which their knowledge has context, through which they can assign meaning, value, and purpose. I have substantial experience in academic teaching, researching and administration at an institution committed to academic excellence and transformative experience for students.

Learning Experience:

(1) Ph.D., Social Psychology, Loughborough University, UK

(2) M.A., Lifelong Education, The University of Nottingham, UK

(3) B.A, Education, The University of Derby, UK

(4) Postdoctoral Research Associate, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Research projects conducted in the last five years (Max. 5 items)

(1) Postdoctoral Research Associate, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Designed research plans for government funded projects (2015-2018). Organized and trained

fellow assistants for data collecting and other administration works.

(2) Jiangsu Institute of Education Sciences Planning Project for "14th Five-Year Plan" (Z2022114009912) Understanding supervisors' different roles in the light of role

theory: conflicts and management.

(3) Jiangsu Institute of Education (Z2022114009912) Understanding PhD supervisor’s managerial roles in the UK using competing values framework.

Representative academic papers (Max. 5 papers)

1. SSCIXin WangMing-Jung Ho, (2021): When patient-centered and family centered approach clash: Taiwanese health professions students’ patient autonomy dilemmas, Advances in Health Sciences EducationQ1IF4.057

2. SSCIXin WangWen-LiWang,(2023):The tenure track employment system in colleges and universities in China: a scoping review of the Chinese literatureFrontiers in Psychology.Q1IF4.232

3. SSCIXin WangMing-Jung Ho, (2019): Professionalism dilemma experiences by health professions students: across sectional study, Journal of Interprofessional Care.Q2IF2.898

4. SSCIXin WangLiu Denghui, Liu Jingyan, (2022): Formality or Reality: student teachers’ experiences of ethical dilemmas and emotions during the practicum, Frontiers in Psychology.Q1IF4.232

5. SSCIXWang., Shih, J., Kuo, FJ. et al. A scoping review of medical professionalism research published in the Chinese language. BMC Med Educ 16, 300 (2016). (Q1IF 1.0)

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