School Introduction

Brief Introduction to School of Humanities

Singing and smiling

Date: 2024-01-17 19:01 clicks: []

Figure1 Tianjiabing Building in School of Humanities, Jiangnan University

School of Humanities, Jiangnan University has a history of more than 70 years. It was formed in 2010 by merging the former Education College, Literature College, and Art College of betway官方登录 The school adheres to an international perspective, the Jiangnan position, and local research. With the motto of "integrating knowledge and action, nurturing individuals," the school promotes interdisciplinary integration, innovative talent cultivation models, and the development of a high-level research-oriented institution with multiple disciplines.

Currently, the School of Humanities offers a doctoral program in Design Education, master's programs in Education, Chinese Language and Literature, Music and Dance, as well as a master's program in Educational Technology. Additionally, the school offers undergraduate programs in Elementary Education (Teacher Education), Educational Technology (Teacher Education), Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese Language and Literature (Teacher Education), Musicology (Teacher Education), and Dance Choreography. Among them, the Educational Technology program is one of the first batch of national first-class undergraduate programs, as well as a branded program and key program in Jiangsu Province. The Elementary Education (Teacher Education) program is also a national first-class undergraduate program, and a branded and key program in Jiangsu Province. The Chinese Language and Literature program is a national first-class undergraduate program, and the Dance Choreography program is a first-class program in Jiangsu Province. After years of development, the school has established a complete talent cultivation system for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels.

The School of Humanities consists of five departments: Chinese Language and Literature, Education, Educational Technology, Music, and Dance. It also includes the Teaching Experimental Practice Center, Principal Teacher Training Center, Language and Writing Skills Training and Testing Center. Furthermore, it houses various research institutions such as the National College Students' Quality Education and Culture Base, Jiangsu Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences on "Internet + Education," Wuxi Jiangnan Culture Research Center, Jiangnan Basic Education Research Center, Jiangnan Ethnic Music Research Center, Guyu Xiu Research Center, and National Defense Culture Research Institute. The school also has a national-level exemplary training base for primary and secondary school teachers, Jiangsu provincial principal teacher training base, and 34 teaching internship bases

Figure2 Art Building in School of Humanities, Jiangnan University

The School of Humanities has a team of excellent faculty members led by renowned scholars. Presently, there are 122 full-time teachers, including 24 professors and 63 associate professors. The proportion of teachers with senior professional titles is 71.3%. Among them, three are vice-chairpersons and members of the Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education's undergraduate programs. There are also 27 talents recognized as Jiangsu Provincial Teaching Masters, recipients of the "333 Project," "Qinglan Project," Jiangsu Provincial Social Sciences, and Double Creation Doctoral programs, among others.

The college values the construction of research teams, tracks academic frontiers, and fosters a positive research atmosphere. Over the past five years, we have published more than 280 high-level papers, authored over 60 monographs, and received funding for more than 140 national and provincial projects. We have secured nearly 20 million RMB in research funds and have been honored with over 145 awards at the national and provincial levels, including the National Cultural Award and the Zijin Award.

The college places great importance on international exchange and cooperation. We have achieved fruitful results in talent cultivation, scientific research, and faculty training. We have established good cooperative relationships with internationally renowned universities such as the University of Oxford, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States, and Conservatoria di Musica di Cagliari in Italy.

Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
