Practice-based Master’s Program

The Practice-based Master’s Program in Subject Instruction of Music (Major Code: 045111)

Singing and smiling

Date: 2024-01-18 00:57 clicks: []

In 2011, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, our school obtained the national first-level master's degree authorization in Music and Dance Studies. The program officially enrolled students in 2012. In 2019, it was granted the status of a Master's degree program in Subject Teaching (Music) Education. This discipline has formed a discipline team with a reasonable academic structure, diverse academic backgrounds, and strong research capabilities. The mentor team consists of 4 professors, 7 associate professors, with a Ph.D. ratio of 18%. The discipline has a national-level base for cultivating students' humanities qualities, a teacher training and research base in Jiangsu Province, and a national training base for primary and secondary school teachers designated by the Ministry of Education. It has one national-level excellent course and two provincial-level excellent courses. In recent years, it has undertaken more than 30 national, provincial, and ministerial-level projects, and has received more than 20 awards at the provincial and ministerial levels. More than 30 books and textbooks have been published. Graduates of this discipline, besides pursuing doctoral degrees, mainly find employment in basic education, government agencies, research institutes, and other fields. This discipline has gained recognition and praise from academia and society for its talent cultivation, scientific research, social services, and innovation in cultural inheritance.

The objective of the full-time Master's degree program in Music at the School of Humanities, Jiangnan University, is to cultivate highly qualified secondary school music teachers who have broad perspectives, comprehensive qualities, outstanding abilities, and can meet the requirements of modernization and internationalization. The specific objectives are as follows:

1.Love the motherland and support the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Have a passion for education, be dedicated to teaching and educating students, be a role model, be proactive, and be innovative. Students should consciously conduct themselves with integrity, learn with integrity, and teach with integrity, and steadfastly follow the path of socialist education development with Chinese characteristics.

2.Correctly understand and grasp the national educational policies and regulations, emphasize moral education in the classroom, exemplify moral character, and establish rules for moral education. Have good professional ethics and a sense of social responsibility to serve the development of basic education.

3.Have a high level of theoretical literacy, develop advanced educational concepts in line with the reform, development, and requirements of basic education, and strive to become a "Four-Have" good teacher with ideal beliefs, moral integrity, solid knowledge, and a compassionate heart.

4.Systematically master the knowledge structure and research methods of the discipline of music, possess strong educational and teaching practice abilities, and possess research capabilities.

5.Understand the practical aspects of secondary education reform, have a strong willingness and ability for independent professional development, and possess an awareness and ability for problem discovery, problem-solving, lifelong learning, and development. Develop the consciousness and ability to analyze educational issues from multiple dimensions and perspectives and constantly innovate in practice.

Be proficient in reading foreign language literature related to the profession.

Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
