Practice-based Master’s Program

The Practice-based Master’s Program in Mental Health Education (Major Code: 045116)

Singing and smiling

Date: 2024-01-18 00:59 clicks: []

Jiangnan University was approved to establish a Master's program in Mental Health Education in 2019. The degree program has developed a well-structured academic team with diverse backgrounds and strong research capabilities. The team primarily focuses on researching family mental health, the psychological development of teachers' health, and the psychological health of adolescents in secondary vocational schools. They have developed unique expertise in addressing obstacles to the healthy psychological growth and behavioral health of students in basic education schools, as well as implementing practical counseling and promotion mechanisms. They have also conducted a series of studies on the psychological health of adolescents, family mental health, and practical interventions. The team has led three national projects, nearly 20 provincial and ministerial projects, received five provincial and ministerial awards, and published over 40 papers in SSCI and CSSCI journals.

The aim of the Master's program in Mental Health Education is to cultivate highly qualified mental health teachers and professional counselors in basic education schools and secondary vocational schools. The specific objectives are as follows:

1.Love the country and support the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Have a passion for education, be dedicated to teaching, serve as a role model, be proactive and innovative. Students should consciously develop their moral character, conduct themselves with ethics, and steadfastly follow the path of socialist education development with Chinese characteristics.

2.Correctly understand and grasp the national educational policies and regulations. Emphasize character education in the classroom, promote moral values through examples, and establish rules for ethical conduct. Possess good professional ethics and a sense of social responsibility towards the development of basic education.

3.Have a high level of theoretical literacy, understand the frontiers and trends of the discipline, and form advanced educational concepts that meet the requirements of basic education reform and development in the current era. Strive to become mental health educators and counselors who have ideals and beliefs, moral integrity, solid knowledge, and compassion.

4.Master the knowledge structure and research methods of the discipline, possess strong research abilities and educational practice capabilities, and be competent in mental health education teaching and psychological counseling. Utilize professional knowledge and skills in psychology, leverage personal strengths, and engage in creative educational work.

5.Understand the reality of basic education reform, have a strong willingness and ability for self-directed professional development, and possess the awareness and capability to identify and solve problems, engage in lifelong learning and development. Develop a consciousness and ability to analyze educational issues from multiple dimensions and perspectives, and continuously innovate in practice.

Be proficient in reading foreign-language literature related to the field of expertise.

Host: School of Humanities,jiangnan university
Address: No. 1800,lihu avenue, wuxi,jiangsu,214122

Technical support: Information Construction Management Division
All copyright © School of Humanities,jiangnan university
