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The School of Business solemnly held the 2021 graduation ceremony and degree award ceremony

Release time:2021-06-21

Youth is at the right time, and we will start after graduation. On June 18th, the School of Business held the 2021 graduation ceremony and degree award ceremony in the audience hall of Wenhao Hall. The party and government leaders of the School of Business, deans of various departments, graduate tutors, graduating class teachers and 688 graduates witnessed the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Xu Jing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Dean of the School of Business.

At the beginning of the ceremony, all the participants stood up and sang the national anthem. Afterwards, the teacher representative Professor Ma Zhenfeng gave a speech. He shared with the students the new achievements that the college has made in high-level education in recent years, and fully affirmed the growth and progress made by the students during the university. He hoped that after leaving the alma mater, the students will regard their dreams as horses and live up to their youth. Continue to embark on a new journey with vigor and enthusiasm. At the same time, he urged all graduates that the business school will always be a haven for everyone, and graduates are welcome to go home often.

The flowers are fragrant, thank you teacher. The graduate representatives presented flowers to the teacher representatives and expressed their sincere gratitude to the teachers for their tireless teaching and care over the past four years.

Liu Tianjiao, a 2018 business administration graduate student, Wu Xiaobo, a 2017 MBA graduate student, and Ge Chengyu, a 2017 finance undergraduate student, spoke on behalf of the graduates. They joyfully and proudly counted the various gains of studying at school, recalled the unforgettable days of campus life with affection, and expressed their ambitions for the future with longing. When I was grateful for the cultivation of my alma mater, the teaching of my mentor, the upbringing of my parents and the company of my classmates, they also expressed that they are living in a prosperous age and have a heavy responsibility on their shoulders. They will live up to the trust of the times, shoulder the responsibility, forge ahead, and write the most beautiful with struggle. Youth Huazhang.

Once from Jiangnan, he shared his alma mater. Among the 2021 graduates of the School of Business, a total of 28 students acted as alumni liaison officers. At the ceremony, Xu Xiqing, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Business, issued a letter of appointment to the representative of the 2021 alumni liaison and presented the badge of "People from the South of the World".

Teng Lefa, Dean of the School of Business and full-time professor at the University of Guelph in Canada, delivered a graduation speech, sending the most heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to all graduates. He hoped that the students could start from the "heart" in the future, and explained the three main points of starting from the "heart" through the deeds of outstanding graduates. The first is to learn to communicate, appreciate and understand. Just like Deng Weichen, Zhu Xuheng, Lu Zenan, and Wang Qiushuang in the 427 dormitory of finance majors, they have appreciated each other and worked together for four years. They have successfully been admitted to well-known domestic universities such as Zhejiang University and East China Normal University, Unity and mutual assistance prompted them to write a new legend in the dormitory of Xueba. The second is to stick to the nature and lifelong learning. Just like the two students of MBA graduates Liu Tianjiao and Xie Chenxin, they have always insisted on real learning and real learning. As a joint work, in SSCI District 1, ABS Samsung, the impact factor is 4.874 Two high-level academic papers have been published in the International Journal of Business Research; Wu Dongdong, a master's student in management science and engineering, is about to enter Nankai University to study for a doctorate. He is tireless and in-depth exploration on the academic road, driven by perseverance and curiosity. They continue to explore and move forward. The third is not to forget the original aspiration, and persevere, just like Tao Siqiao, an undergraduate majoring in International Trade, was admitted to the ICU a week before the postgraduate entrance examination, completed the last few days of review in the hospital bed, and insisted on taking the sick to the examination room, and was finally admitted by Tsinghua University; majoring in business administration Undergraduate student Meldan Tunyazi overcomes many difficulties in life and finally enters the Xinjiang Immigration and Border Control Station. He sticks to his original aspirations and perseveres in spurring them to turn pain into a medal for growth. Teng Lefa's passionate speech won rounds of applause from the teachers and students present.

After the graduation ceremony, the 2021 degree awarding ceremony of the School of Business was grandly held. The leaders of the college set the crown for the 688 graduates, awarded degree certificates and took group photos, marking a complete end to the students' study career at betway官方登录

I hope there is a future to go, and there is youth to look back. I wish all the 2021 graduates of the School of Business, on the road to the future, they will have great ambitions, have great virtues, become talents, and assume great responsibilities, and go to the great future without failing the expectations of their alma mater.

Graduation ceremony scene

Professor Ma Zhenfeng, a teacher representative, delivered a speech

Representatives of graduates presented flowers to representatives of teachers

Xu Xiqing, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Business, issued a letter of appointment to the representative of the 2021 alumni liaison officer and presented the "World Jiangnan People" badge

Dean of Business School Teng Lefa delivered a graduation speech
