博士研究生:环境工程进展(辅讲) 硕士研究生:水污染控制原理与工艺(主讲),现代水污染控制 本科生:水污染控制工程实验,环境工程工艺综合实验
博士研究生:污水生物处理与资源化,有机废弃物资源化 硕士研究生:污水处理,污泥处理处置,工业水处理,有机废弃物资源化
(2)污泥处理处置技术 (3)工业水处理 (4)有机废弃物资源化 (5)新兴污染物去除 (6)环境健康与生态风险评价 (7)碳减排与碳中和
累计发表学术论文81篇,含SCI论文35余篇。第一作者和通讯作者发表论文37篇,其中SCI论文23篇,高被引论文1篇。出版中文专著2部,英文Book Chapter 1章。 代表性论文如下: (1)Qixin Liu, Xuan Feng, Ning Chen, Fei Shen, Haichuan Zhang,Shuo Wang*, Zhiyan Sheng, Ji Li, Occurrence and risk assessment of typical PPCPs and biodegradation pathway of ribavirin in wastewater treatment plants, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2022, 11, 100184 (2)Qixin Liu, Xuan Feng, Zhiya Sheng, Wenxin Shi,Shuo Wang*, Ji Li, Enhanced wastewater treatment performance by understanding the interaction between algae and bacteria based on quorum sensing, Bioresource Technology, 2022, 354, 127161 (3)Aimin Li, Chou Huang, Xuan Feng, Yuzhi Li, Hanwen Yang,Shuo Wang*, Ji Li, Upgradation of sludge deep dewatering conditioners through persulfate activated by ferrous: Compatibility with sludge incineration, dewatering mechanism, ecological risks elimination and carbon emission performance, Environmental Research, 2022, 211, 113024 (4)Shuo Wang, Qixin Liu, Ji Li*, Zhiwu Wang*, Methane in wastewater treatment plants: status, characteristics, and bioconversion feasibility by methane oxidizing bacteria for high value-added chemicals production and wastewater treatment, Water Research, 2021, 198, 117122 (5)Luxi Zou, Yan Wang, Chou Huang, Bingbing Li*, Jinze Lyu,Shuo Wang*, Hui Lu, Ji Li, Meta-cresol degradation by persulfate through UV/O3 synergistic activation: Contribution of free radicals and degradation pathway, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 754, 142219 (6)Kaikai Zheng, Huaibo Li,Shuo Wang*, Yan Wang, Aimin Li, Xuan Feng, Ji Li, Enhanced proteins and amino acids production based on ammonia nitrogen assimilation and sludge increment by the integration of bioadsorption with anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (AAO) process, Chemosphere, 2021, 280, 130721 (7) Shuo Wang, Xinxin Ma, Yalan Liu, Xuesong Yi, Guocheng Du, Ji Li, Fate of antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and cell-free antibiotic-resistant genes in full-scale membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment plants, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 302, 122825 (8)Shuo Wang, Mingfei Chen, Kaikai Zheng, Chunli Wan, Ji Li, Promising carbon utilization for nitrogen recovery in low strength wastewater treatment: Ammonia nitrogen assimilation, protein production and microbial community structure, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 710, 136306 (9)Shuo Wang, Luxi Zou, Huaibo Li, Kaikai Zheng, Yan Wang, Guochen Zheng, Ji Li, Full-scale membrane bioreactor process WWTPs in East Taihu basin: wastewater characteristics, energy consumption and sustainability, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 723, 137983 (10)Shuo Wang, Liling Zhi, Wei Shan, Hui Lu, Qiao Xu, Ji Li, Correlation of extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure in denitrification biofilm exposed to adverse conditions, Microbial Biotechnology, 2020, 13(6): 1889-1903 (11)Shuo Wang, X. Ma, Y. Wang, G. Du, J.H. Tay, J. Li. Piggery wastewater treatment by aerobic granular sludge: Granulation process and antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria removal and transport. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 273: 350-357. (12)Shuo Wang, K. Qian, Y. Zhu, X. Yi, G. Zhang, G. Du, J.H. Tay, J. Li. Reactivation and pilot-scale application of long-term storage denitrification biofilm based on flow cytometry. Water Research, 2019, 148: 368-377. (13)L. Zou, H. Li,Shuo Wang*, K. Zheng, Y. Wang, G. Du, J. Li. Characteristic and correlation analysis of influent and energy consumption of wastewater treatment plants in Taihu Basin. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2019, 13: 83. (14)Shuo Wang, W. Shi, T. Tang, Y. Wang, L. Zhi, J. Lv, J. Li. Function of quorum sensing and cell signaling in the formation of aerobic granular sludge. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 2017, 16(1): 1-13. (15)Shuo Wang, Y. Yang, X. Chen, J. Lv, J. Li. Effects of bamboo powder and rice husk powder conditioners on sludge dewatering and filtrate quality. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2017, 124: 288-296. 代表性专著: (1)城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术与装备,中国建筑工业出版社,2017.12 (2)松花江流域典型河湖水质评价与预测,科学出版社,2018.02 (3)Bioconversion of methane to chemicals and fuels by methane-oxidizing bacteria, Elsevier, 2020.06
主持国家及省部级课题5项,参与各级课题10余项,完成省部级课题4项,个人主持经费超过800万元。 (1)国家“十二五”水专项课题《重点流域城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术优化应用研究》(课题编号:2013ZX07315-003),主持 (2)国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金《絮状污泥颗粒化过程中细胞膜形态结构变化规律及功能解析》(课题编号:51408264),主持 (3)江苏省政策引导类计划(产学研合作)前瞻性联合研究项目 《好氧颗粒污泥脱水机理解析与脱水策略构建》(课题编号:BY2015019-27),技术负责 (4)江苏省重点研发计划(社会发展)科技示范工程 《城市污水处理厂概念厂科技示范工程》(课题编号:BE2015622),技术负责 (5)国家“十二五”水专项课题《城市污水能源资源开发及氮磷深度控制技术的集成研究与综合示范》(课题编号:2015ZX07306-001),技术负责 (6)国家“十三五”水专项课题《工业聚集区污染控制与尾水水质提升技术集成与应用》(课题编号:2017ZX07202-001),参与 (7)中国-加拿大国际合作课题,A cost-effective technology for high strength wastewater customers,2020.10-2023.09,24万加元,在研,主持 (8)江苏省政策引导类计划(国际科技合作)专项资金项目 《基于CO2捕获的颗粒态脱氮功能菌剂合作研发与示范》(课题编号:BZ2021030),在研,主持 (9)无锡市科技创新专业资金项目《无锡市河道水质精准深度改善技术集成与水生态环境综合整治示范》(课题编号:M20211003),在研,主持 (10)江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项资金项目《农林剩余物高附加值酸水解耦合污泥基蛋白质提升土壤质量关键技术研究》(课题编号:BE2021409),在研,主持
(1)江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果奖,三等奖,排名第1,2021-10 (2)黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然科学奖),二等奖,排名第2,2020-11 (3)中国环境保护产业协会环境技术进步奖,二等奖,排名第2,2020-12 (4)中国商业联合会科学技术奖,三等奖,排名第1,2020-12 (5)《应用与环境生物学报》优秀论文,排名1,2016-11 (6)无锡市第九届自然科学优秀论文二等奖,排名1,2017-01 (7)江苏省建设优秀科技成果三等奖,排名3,2017-10
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